Our History
Second Baptist Church Of Callahan groundbreaking service was held on Sunday, October 19th, 1958. Prayer was conducted by Rev. Coachman and scripture was conducted by Reverend L.S. Morrison. Church organizers were Deacon Elmer Morgan, Mr. Thomas Arline, Deacon Oscar Denefield, Mr. Willie White, Mr. John Crooms, Mr. Major Morgan, Mrs. Ruby Morgan, Mrs. Juanita Arline, Mrs. Leola White, Mrs. Lizzie Hunter, Mrs. Alice Morgan, Mr. James Morgan, and Deacon Ben Bryant.
In 1959, Rev. D.J. Jones was called as Pastor. Under his leadership, the church grew spiritually. Many souls were saved and many goals were accomplished. In 1975, Rev. D.J. Jones was called home to be with the Lord. The passing of Rev. Jones lead to new leadership. In 1975, Rev. William Coleman accepted the call to become Pastor of this congregation. In 1979, Rev. Coleman submitted his resignation as Pastor.
After Rev. Coleman resigned, a search committee was formed to find a new pastor. In 1979, the church selected Rev. Levy Green Jr. to serve as the new pastor. He was well known for his exceptional teaching and ability to explain the Bible. Under Rev. Levy Green’s leadership, many improvements were made. The church purchased a baby grand piano and cushioned backseat pews. In July 2003, Rev. Green resigned as pastor.
After a season of prayerful searching, Rev. Marion A. Wise was called to become the fourth pastor on May 1, 2004. Under his leadership, new ministries were organized. A new members class was instituted along with Wednesday Night Bible Study. In February 2013, Reverend Wise resigned as pastor. A search committee was organized to find a new pastor. Rev. Christopher Wilson was called to become the fifth pastor. After eight months, Rev. Wilson resigned.
Rev. Dr. Malachi Clowers was called to become the sixth pastor on May 1, 2014. Under his leadership, many improvements were made to the church building. Indoor access was made to the ladies restroom and the pastor’s study was remodeled. The media ministry was created. Pastor Clowers served as pastor until April 2023.
On January 7, 2024, the Second Baptist Church Of Callahan called Rev. Bryant M. Wilcox to become the seventh pastor.